Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients acheive the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

Tony is great to work with.

- John D.
Portland, ME | June 20, 2013

Hi Mr Deschaine I was refered to you from Corey and Amanda Morong. My husband and I are looking to purchase a home and need to get pre-approved. Could you tell me what we need to do to start the process? It would be easier if you email me at Thank you Carol McEwen

- Carolann McEwen
Portland , ME | March 22, 2015

Paul has been wonderful to work with. He made the process so easy. If I'm ever looking to buy again I'll certainly be calling upon him. For a young first time home buyer he's made things go so smoothly. He has reached out after our purchase and is always there for questions. His service goes beyond, it's a caring compassion for people that makes a person and a company stand out. You'll find just that when you work with him.

- Teela
Pownal, ME | March 15, 2017

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